Table of Contents

Motion Configuration

You can add settings such as easing, repeat count, callbacks, etc., when creating a motion. To add settings, use the With- methods.

When writing, you can apply multiple settings simultaneously using method chaining.

var value = 0f;
LMotion.Create(0f, 10f, 2f)
    .WithComplete(() => Debug.Log("Complete!"))
    .Bind(x => value = x);

List of Methods


Specifies the easing function to apply to the motion.

You can also specify AnimtaionCurve for this. (Ease.CustomAnimationCurve is automatically set when using WithEase(AnimationCurve). Do not specify this option with WithEase(Ease).)


Delay the start of a motion by a specified number of seconds. You can adjust the behavior by specifying DelayType and SkipValuesDuringDelay.

  • DelayType

    Specifies the behavior of delay during looping.

    DelayType Behavior
    DelayType.FirstLoop Default setting. Applies delay only in the first loop.
    DelayType.EveryLoop Applies delay in each loop.
  • SkipValuesDuringDelay

    Specifies whether to skip the processing of Bind during the delay time. It is set to true by default.


Sets the number of times the motion will repeat. It's set to 1 by default. Setting it to -1 creates a motion that repeats infinitely until stopped.

Additionally, you can set the behavior during repetition by specifying LoopType as the second argument.

LoopType Behavior
LoopType.Restart Default behavior. Resets to the start value at the end of each loop.
LoopType.Yoyo Animates the value back and forth between start and end values.
LoopType.Increment Value increases with each loop.


Specifies a callback at the end of the playback.


Specifies a callback for when the motion is canceled.


Specifies the Scheduler used for motion playback.

Scheduler Behavior
MotionScheduler.Initialization Updates at the Initialization timing.
MotionScheduler.InitializationIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the Initialization timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.InitializationRealtime Updates at the Initialization timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.EarlyUpdate Updates at the EarlyUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.EarlyUpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the EarlyUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.EarlyUpdateRealtime Updates at the EarlyUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.FixedUpdate Updates at the FixedUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.PreUpdate Updates at the PreUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.PreUpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the PreUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.PreUpdateRealtime Updates at the PreUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.Update Updates at the Update timing.
MotionScheduler.UpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the Update timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.UpdateRealtime Updates at the Update timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.PreLateUpdate Updates at the PreLateUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.PreLateUpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the PreLateUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.PreLateUpdateRealtime Updates at the PreLateUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.PostLateUpdate Updates at the PostLateUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.PostLateUpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the PostLateUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.PostLateUpdateRealtime Updates at the PostLateUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.TimeUpdate Updates at the TimeUpdate timing.
MotionScheduler.TimeUpdateIgnoreTimeScale Updates at the TimeUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale.
MotionScheduler.TimeUpdateRealtime Updates at the TimeUpdate timing, ignores the influence of Time.timeScale, and calculates time using Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
MotionScheduler.Manual Updates manually. For details, see Updating Motion Manually.
EditorMotionScheduler.Update (LitMotion.Editor) Updates at the EditorApplication.update timing. This Scheduler is limited to the editor.


Cancels the motion when an uncaught exception occurs within the motion's Bind function. It is set to false by default.


Execute Bind processing at the timing of scheduling the motion. It is set to false by default.

WithRoundingMode (int)

Sets the rounding mode for decimal values. This option is only applicable to int-type motions.

RoundingMode Behavior
RoundingMode.ToEven Default setting. Rounds the value to the nearest integer and, in case of a tie, rounds to the nearest even number.
RoundingMode.AwayFromZero Typical rounding behavior. Rounds the value to the nearest integer and away from zero in case of a tie.
RoundingMode.ToZero Rounds the value towards zero.
RoundingMode.ToPositiveInfinity Rounds the value towards positive infinity.
RoundingMode.ToNegativeInfinity Rounds the value towards negative infinity.

WithScrambleMode (FixedString-)

You can fill the yet-to-be-displayed characters with random characters. This option is applicable only to string motions.

ScrambleMode Description
ScrambleMode.None Default setting. Nothing is displayed in the yet-to-be-displayed parts.
ScrambleMode.Uppercase Fills spaces with random uppercase alphabet characters.
ScrambleMode.Lowercase Fills spaces with random lowercase alphabet characters.
ScrambleMode.Numerals Fills spaces with random numeral characters.
ScrambleMode.All Fills spaces with random uppercase/lowercase alphabet or numeral characters.
(ScrambleMode.Custom) Fills spaces with random numeral characters from the specified string. This option cannot be explicitly specified and is set when passing a string argument to WithScrambleMode.

WithRichText (FixedString-)

Enables RichText support, allowing character advancement in text containing RichText tags. This option is applicable only to string motions.

WithFrequency (Punch, Shake)

Sets the frequency (number of oscillations until the end) for Punch and Shake vibrations. The default value is set to 10.

WithDampingRatio (Punch, Shake)

Sets the damping ratio for Punch and Shake vibrations. When this value is 1, it fully dampens, and when it's 0, there is no damping at all. The default value is set to 1.

WithRandomSeed (FixedString-, Shake)

Allows you to specify a random seed used during motion playback. This controls the random behavior of ScrambleChars or vibrations.